
Mira Mukherjee's Two Ways To Belong In America

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There are many factors that may cause a person to leave their home country. War, pursuit of happiness, education are just some of those reasons. In “Two Ways to Belong in America” the author talks about her sister and herself and why they decided to travel across the globe to the United States(US). Two sisters leave their home country in India in search for education and work in America. They however, find themselves viewing their new home in a different way. Mira is the eldest sister who leaves a year earlier than her sister Bharati. The sisters came legally into the country and both started school right away. Despite pursuing different careers, the sisters shared many common interests while back in India. Infact, they both married men within …show more content…

She saw the importance in society and of those who play a role in it. Voting and rights along with other American citizen duties are something Bharati was looking forward to taking part in. It was in her opinion, the citizens role to take part in the society that they lived(Mukherjee 291). Mira refused this belief, holding tightly to her Indian heritage, wishing to one day return to India. Despite using America as a temporary home and a place to earn an income, Mira complained about the rules of the country. It is interesting that one who refuses to be apart of a country can criticize that country's rules. If Mira would simply become a citizen all of her concerns would be avoided. All she would have to do is move to India after her years of working are over, and Mira could return to her original home. Despite Bharati and Mira failing to agree on this issue, the author still brings to light the view that all people should share. Bharati brings up the importance of having a sense of community. Being apart of society is more important than holding onto your heritage. Both sisters have different views, but it is clear to say the younger sister wants what is best for the people around her. She knows that having a sense of obligation to the community can benefit all those around her. This means more than hanging onto a citizenship to a country one has not lived in for 40

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