Miracle On Rhy Street Compare And Contrast

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The Miracle on 34th street is a Christmas movie that has been told time and time again over the years. For this essay, the comparisons and contrasts will be shown of the 1955 and 1994 versions. Although they are both called Miracle on 34th Street and have the same concept of the story, they are both different. For one, the 1955 version is in black and white. The color difference may be due to the year that the movie was created in, instead of having anything to do with the movie itself. There are many symmetrical aspects to the two movies, but also many differences. Within both movies, there is the story based around Kris Kringle, or Santa Claus. In the 1955 version the story shows that Kringle corrects a salesman in the window when placing …show more content…

Kringle goes over to the “fake” Santa Clause, who is a drunk, and tells him that he is unfit to act as Santa. Kringle then takes the man’s job and becomes Cole’s department store Santa. While working as the store’s Santa Clause, Kringle meets Susan, who is a non-believer like her mother. Mr. Bedford, who is Susan’s mother’s boyfriend, believes that Kringle is who he says that he is. He tries to help Kringle convince Susan and her mother. While Kringle is walking down the street, the drunk Santa from the beginning of the movie runs into him and starts telling him very rude comments. Kringle ends up hitting him with his cane and is sent to jail. Mr. Bedford becomes Kringles lawyer and helps Kringle change everybody’s outlook on him. Mr. Bedford uses the prosecuter’s wife as a witness, who states that her husband tells their children that Santa Clause is real and that Mr. Kringle is Santa Clause. Mr. Bedford also has Susan take the change a Christmas card with a one dollar bill in it. On the dollar bill, it reads “In God we trust”. The judge sees that as, how can we believe and trust in God when we cannot see him. Kringle is released from jail and is believed to be Santa Clause. Susan, however, does not completely believe until the Christmas morning when she receives her new home, a father, and a baby