
Miranda Vs Arizona Case Study

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Facts: In this case, a 23-year-old man named Ernesto Miranda was arrested at his home in Phoenix, Arizona, and taken to the police station for questioning about a rape and kidnapping. The police questioned him for two hours, and were able to get a written confession out of Miranda. The confession was used in court as evidence during the trial. Miranda was found guilty of rape and kidnapping and was sentenced between twenty to thirty years in prison for each count. The Arizona Supreme Court confirmed the conviction and Miranda’s case was sent to the U.S Supreme Court.
Legal Issue: If police should inform a suspect who is subject to a custodial interrogation of his or her constitutional rights involving self-incrimination and counsel prior to questioning for the evidence obtained to be admissible in court during a trial? (Miranda v. Arizona). …show more content…

The court stated that the suspect must be warned before any questioning that he or she has a right to remain silent, that anything he or she says can be used against him or her in a court of law, that he or she has the right to an attorney, and if he or she cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed to him or her prior to any questioning. These rights must be considered to him or her throughout the interrogation (Miranda v.

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