
Miranda Vs Arizona Essay

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Alan, Betty, and Charlie were long-time friends and grew drained of the day-to-day routine. Alan had a dream where three men went into the national bank and robbed the bank for $1,000,000.00. Although at first, it seemed like a joke, Betty and Charlie believed they should put the dream into reality. The plan was, to have Alan and Charlie enters the bank with fake guns, while Betty waited in the car outside to drive away and act as a lookout. During the robbery, even though they used fake guns a customer standing in line pulled out a gun and shot Charlie. Charlie was killed suddenly. Alan managed to get away and get to the car, he told Betty to drive and he let Betty know that Charlie was shot. A police officer pulled Betty and Allan from seeing …show more content…

Supreme Court decided the historic case of Miranda v. Arizona, stating that when a person is taken into police custody, before being interrogated he or she must be told of the Fifth Amendment right not to make any self-incriminating statement (Criminal.findlaw.com, 2017). When in the police custody they have to tell you the four things before being questioned about anything. Having to be questioned a suspect in custody devoid of having given the Miranda warning, any statement or confession made is supposed to be involuntary, and cannot be used against the suspect in any criminal case. The law requires that officers read Miranda rights to a suspect in custody prior to their questioning or interrogation (Criminal.findlaw.com, 2017).For saying the Miranda rights it informs the suspect that he/she have the right to remain silent, that anything he or she says may be used against them in court, and that he/she has the right to an attorney. If the suspect has not been read the rights confessions or statements made after the arrest may not be admissible (Criminal.findlaw.com, 2017). Before the officer read Miranda Rights to either party, he asked Betty the guns and masked were from and she said a robbery. That means the confession will be thrown out of the case against Betty and Alan but also the guns and masked will be thrown out to because it was exposed exclusively as an effect of the illegal

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