Miscarry In Nursing Essay

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Miscarriage or miscarry, a term coined in 1275-1325, has been identified in the literature as a key component in Medicine, Science and Death (Green, 2000). The seven stages of grief are correlated with important attributes in nursing such as empathy, emotional support, problem solving, and professionalism (Kubler-Ross, 1969). In Understanding Dying, Death, and Bereavement, Michael R. Leming and George E. Dickinson writes about the many ways to cope with loss, whether it be personal or professional. The purpose of this paper is to define miscarriage, explain how the seven stages of grief correlate in dealing with miscarriage, and describe how nursing plays an important role in miscarriage and the seven stages of grief.
Definitions and Major Concepts Miscarriage, the unnatural birth cycle is the unconstrained loss of a pregnancy before the …show more content…

It has been found that there are numerous angles that can influence the mental prosperity of a woman’s experience during a miscarriage. These feelings incorporate guilt, anxiety, depression, loss, anger, and can even result in suicide. Clinical examination has found that when women are in a trusting, sharing relationship, they report profound affections for misuse over their premature birth experience (Alliance Action Inc., 1993).
Specialists consider this Post Abortion Syndrome. A portion of the causes to this syndrome are a number of one’s feelings don’t surface until years after the event has occurred. Most women, if received information about the loss of the fetus, continue saying their fine with the entire circumstance. However, later on they come to acknowledge unresolved guilt and confusion. Central Illinois Right to Life states, “The reason for the surfacing anxiety is partly a mystery, but is often associated with the birth of a wanted child or during unrelated