Misconceptions In Chasing The Dragon

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The short film Chasing the Dragon is about how every individual on the planet is at risk of opiate addiction. This addiction does not discriminate and can end an individual’s life. In fact, the opiate epidemic has spread so quickly and vast due to a false perception that only certain demographics are at risk. Again, that perception is 100% false people regardless of race, religion, background etc. can become victims each day. According to the movie “Approximately one in five high school seniors reports misusing prescription drugs at least once in their lifetime.” This just means that even young minds can be affected by the deadly use of drugs.
The information that I have obtained from this short film is that prescription pain pills and weed are the gateway drugs to stronger and harsher drugs. In fact, Prescription drugs are extraordinary accessible and can swiftly lead to addiction if abused. Again, according to the film “A life-consuming routine that revolves around seeking opiates emerges once a person becomes addicted” It is this routine that is best described by the expression “chasing the dragon.” Misconceptions are very common that overdoses are only associated with abuse of large …show more content…

Typically, people who double up in quantity or experiment with various drugs are searching for that “first high” sensation. Throughout the film, live interviews of real testimonies were shared showing raw emotion of how they became seriously addicted to drugs and their outcomes. In addition, some of the side effects of being addicted were infections, maggots, blood borne pathogens, and even overdose. The worse part about this addiction would be the withdrawal. Withdrawal from opiates is often extremely difficult and represents a significant challenge to breaking the cycle of