
Misinformation From Flawed By Cecilia Ahern

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Misinformation from Flawed to Modern Day Society

In the modern world today, everyone experiences a lot of misinformation and bias about many controversial topics. There are so many different opinions in society, and people like to share these things online and on social media. As people are sharing these things online, not all of it is told truthfully. As these things are spreading across the internet, it puts false ideas and bias into people’s heads. This can negatively affect people's lives, like how it is shown in the novel Flawed by Cecilia Ahern. In the novel, Ahern illuminates how spreading misinformation negatively affects peoples’ lives, and this parallels in the modern world with the false information seen in social media and the …show more content…

When Celestine is branded with her Flawed markings, the court only said she would get five brandings. This was put in the media and news by the head of the Guild, Judge Craven. This made it known to everyone that Craven’s “reports only said five” and that her “family was removed for unreasonable behavior” (Ahern 176). But Celestine was branded six times against her will because of Craven’s hatred towards her. Craven controlled what the reports said and lied about how many brandings Celestine got. Citizens were also confused when they found out about her sixth brand because of what the reports said. When Celestine was kidnapped by Logan, he found her sixth brand and he was “surprised” and that “the reports only said five” (Ahern 220). Logan was shocked when he found this out because nobody knew that she received this branding because the news had lied about it. This can connect to modern day society because of the …show more content…

Since the wrong ideas are passed on, everyone jumps on the ideas and believes them. One example of this is when Pia figures out about Craven giving Celestine an extra Flawed branding. When Celestine revealed that to her, “she [tried] to act like she doesn’t believe [her], but [Celestine could] see her fear. She’s afraid of the sixth brand being true, afraid that the head of the Guild is a fraud, everything she believed isn’t true” (Ahern 177). Pia did not want to believe that the Guild would be lying about what really goes on in their cases. She had been told all her life that the Guild was the main power that was always right and had the right ideas about the rules in society. Her fear was of being told that what she had believed in all this time was a big lie. The bias from misinformation in Flawed can be connected to the modern-day world because the exact same things happen. Since a lot of things shared are related to politics and people’s biases based on those, it makes up most of the internet. Because they make up most of the internet, that’s what most people see when they are scrolling through media pages, reading news articles, or watching the live news shows. This includes young adults that don’t necessarily know much or have a set opinion or view on what they believe in. This makes them vulnerable to

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