Misogynistic Views Of The Women's Rights Movement

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Imagine a world where women are objectified, treated as property, and have their opinions ignored. Visualization is hard, is it not? Prior to the Women’s Rights Movement, women were denied basic rights, such as the right to vote. As of 2014, 50% of all marriages end in divorce, but before the movement, women were not allowed to divorce their husbands. Even those who had committed crimes against them, such as rape (even though marital rape was not criminalized until 1993) or domestic abuse. To most of the modern-day, English-speaking world, this should all seem absolutely ludicrous to us, but sadly, some people, still have misogynistic views about society. Things have certainly changed, and definitely for the better. Without the Women’s Rights Movement, our idea of the modern-day woman would be greatly distorted. …show more content…

This was a large headway for the movement. The convention consisted of 68 women and 32 men, and was held for two days on July 19th and 20th in Seneca Falls, New York. Here, the men and women passed a Declaration of Sentiments, also called the Seneca Falls Declaration. The document listed 16 forms of discrimination against women and called out inequalities in many areas: property rights, education, employment, religion, marriage, family and suffrage. The command for suffrage seemed so controversial, it passed by a whisker. This was the initial step toward a movement, and it began to show that women were capable of standing up for something that they cared