Misrepresentation In Film

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Women are under representation or misrepresentation in media across all platforms, overall women representation is lacking in production careers and on on-screen portrayal. Most movies in the twenty-first century do not pass the Bechdel test, which tests that a film has at least two women in it, who talk to each other, about something besides a man. According to a 2014 study by the Institute on Gender in Media, only 7% of directors are women. Another study shows the top-grossing movies from the years 2007 to 2014 only having thirty percent of female speaking characters.
Bird distinctly mentions "women and to subordinate masculinities’ in the quote “Hegemonic masculinity…is ‘constructed in relation to women and to subordinate masculinities’ …show more content…

Selma illustrates the male ego magnifying white supremacy towards African Americans. This film shows white privilege experiencing males enforcing their dominance over other races and genders, and being brainwashed, or pressured into partaking into this white supremacy reinforcement. The scene in Selma where the white males beat up other white males for traveling to protest with the African Americans in Selma, Alabama shows the competitive, mentality of white male dominance and the male ego physically reinforcing their dominance over other races. The Fury scene example can also apply because Schrock and Schwalbe discuss how in our world, when children are born they must categorize themselves either as Male:Boy/Man or Female:Girl/Woman, immediately children are subjected to gender roles confinements and when boys want to gain their gender role acceptance from others they will respond with rule breaking or intimidating behavior, more so known as manhood acts. As our males grow up, surrounding media platforms construct male geared promotions that are mainly heterosexual to provide a masculine self image for men to "buy" into, which leads to the exploitation of female portrayal in most male magazines and other media outlets, which shows a clear male desire for superiority and dominance over the women