Miss Strangeworth Character Traits

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Analyzing Miss Strangeworth Some people are oblivious to things happening in their life. “the possibility of evil” ,by Shirley Jackson, is a great example of these things and how somebody can give you a heads up on what is happening around you that you are unaware of. The person giving the heads up is none other than Miss Strangeworth. Her character is developed by telling about her family history, and also by saying “There would be no pleasant street without my grandfather”. Which she is extremely adoment of. Considering what Miss Strangeworth does i analyse her as a very different but respectable lady. Miss Strangeworth’s can be a very polite woman. Again considering and analysing what her character does and says. Whenever Miss Strangeworth would run errands, she would stop to tell everyone “Good Morning” or, “Good day’. Also she would ask how there were doing or other polite questions. Whenever the town seemed disturbed or a little off she would know. This is because she cared …show more content…

The way she lives her life is very different. The thing is, many people do not even know this about her. The way she Butts into people’s livelihoods, telling them the harsh reality there actually living in. This is just one way that makes Miss Strangeworth’s view on life and the way she lives very interesting. Her character reminds me so much of my great-grandmother that i used to call Dee. All throughout her life she tied to help as many people all possible. She was a pretty wealthy woman; so with that brought out a bit of snobiness in her personality and the lifestyle she lived. Dee’s family was very well-known and respected throughout the town in which they lived, which is where being snobie came from. The traits i saw in Dee are very similar to those i read about Miss Strangeworth, bringing me to the conclusion that they were both very interesting