Miss Watson Abolitionism

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Mark Twain’s true intentions were similar to other abolitionists’ books printed during his era like Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin. These types of books exposed the horrors of slavery, which propelled the Northern United States and European society toward abolitionism. Twain’s position was uncommon for his era as he stood against slavery. In Twain’s novel, Huck, a child with a difficult upbringing that proved to be unstable because of his abusive father. So, when his father abandoned Huck, an older unmarried woman, Miss Watson, tried to provide a stable home for Huck. Miss Watson tried to force a civilized environment upon Huck that conflicted with his inner nature. These conflicts between how he was raised by his father and Miss Watson would cause Huck to become more independent, eventually leading him to run away from both. As he runs away, Huck crosses path with a …show more content…

His choice would place his life in risk as supporting a runaway was punishable by death. When Huck meets Jim on Jackson Island and discovers that he has run away from Miss Watson, Huck was surprised and kept his promise to not to tell anyone. Jim was forever attach to Huck as "Huck; de on'y white genlman dat ever kep' his promise to ole Jim." (Twain 89) Twain writings present multiple characteristics and situations that dehumanize the blacks and show society’s ignorance which Huck’s development is needed to overcome our society. Huck Finn decided to resist the evils of society and became the American hero. Huck chooses to not to have any fame while trying to help people while standing up for his beliefs and morales. Twain wants to show his readers how ridiculous racism made people as a child was able to overcome the absurd Southern lifestyle. Huck believes Jim isn't a slave but a