Miyamoto Musashi Analysis

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No story remains entirely pure over the course of time. They often end up altered by various agendas through the years as well as through the distortions inherent in different mediums that seek not primarily to inform, but to entertain. All of this applies to the differences between the Miyamoto Musashi we know historically and the Miyamoto Musashi presented in more modern popular culture, specifically the films of Inagaki Hiroshi. Over time, various movements in Japan from the 17th to 20th centuries altered the relationships and individualism of Miyamoto Musashi. All of Miyamoto Musashi’s relationships were altered in the Inagaki Hiroshi films with varying degrees of deliberation. Perhaps the relationships that were most obviously altered with a clear intention were those of his romantic relationships. In historical records, including those written by Musashi himself, romance is not a massive factor in his life. In fact, romance is completely ignored both in The Book of Five Rings, which was written by Musashi himself, and the four chapters of The Lone Samurai that told the story of Musashi’s life in historically accurate terms. This contrasts sharply with the films created by Inagaki Hiroshi – all three of his films not only contain romantic subplots, but have said subplots take up massive percentages of the film. The third movie in particular appears most divergent in this aspect as it not only has Musashi pursued by the two non-historically-based women in