Moby Dick Ahab Quotes

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Melville uses Ahab to show the reader that a person’s obsessions can empower them, but if they aren’t careful, those same obessions can also destroy them. Throughout the story, Ahab is focused on one thing and one thing only - killing Moby Dick. He didn’t seem to be concerned over how he was taking advantage of the other men on the ship. Starbuck even called him out on his insane behavior, saying that Ahab is mad for being “enraged with a dumb thing (Melville, Chapter 36).” Ahab then responded, “I’d strike the sun if it insulted me (Melville, Chapter 36).” This is Ahab’s way of saying that he would do everything he could to get revenge on anything that hurt him. By saying that he would even strike the sun, Ahab clearly feels incredibly powerful.