
Modern Culture: The Major Characteristics Of Western Culture

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Western culture is characterized as the beliefs, social norms, customs and values that centre on the European structures. Scholars agree that Western Culture originated from the times of Ancient Greek who mastered the democracy, sciences, and architecture. It was then spread out by the Roman Empire in the 1st Century before Civilization (BC) and was heavily influenced by Christianity from 4th to 5th Century. Western culture went through a period of dark ages from 5th to 6th Century but was born again during the Renaissance all the way to the Industrial Revolution in the 19th Century. Western culture is also referred to Western civilization. Some of the most prominent characteristics of Western culture are individualism, Christianity, democracy, freedom of speech, human rights and sports. The first one to be discussed is individualism, a characteristic that is the opposite of Eastern Culture which is a …show more content…

Westerners take pride in their own unique characteristics and believe in the concept of being independent and self-reliant. Individualists believe that one’s life belongs to him and he is entitled to do as he pleases when following his own beliefs and goals. This concept is the core of America’s Declaration of Independence which states that “All men are created equal” and each individual possesses their own rights including the right freedom, liberty, and life which can never be violated by the authorities. Freedom here implies the absence of forced restrictions; be that as it may, it doesn 't mean the absence of all restrictions. It takes after that freedom is a central condition for contentment though not everything. For that reason, those who experienced childhood in American are educated to be individualists, encouraged by what is beneficial for them

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