Modern Day Rocket Research Paper

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German scientist are given the credit for the creation of the modern day rocket however, the first concept and application of rockets can be traced back to China centuries ago. It was not until World War II however, when rockets and reaching for space truly started to take off. China entered the Space Age along with the Soviets and the United States shortly after the war was over. Modern day Chinese rocketry started with Qian Xuesen. Qian Xuesen was a scientist, and one of the founding fathers of Jet Propulsion. He also assisted in “Operation Paperclip” which brought Nazi rocket scientists, like Werner Von Braun, to the United States. After being accused of working with the communists, Qian was deported back to China where he was immediately …show more content…

With tremendous advancements in recent times China’s space industry has quickly caught up and is competing with the rest of the large space fairing nations around the world. With good leadership and vision, China’s space program is very extensive and built on a similar infrastructure like …show more content…

It also has a robust satellite program that includes navigation, communication, and weather satellites. Along with that, China also has several military programs to include secure satellite communication, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) satellites, and an anti-satellite (ASAT) program. Last, China has several research and development facilities that include the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT), China Academy of Space Technology (CAST), and the Shanghai Academy for Spaceflight Technology (SAST). With these in mind, it is clear that China has energized its space program in the last fifty years, and is now considered one of the largest space powers in the world. Even though China’s space exploration program can be traced back to the late 1950’s, the program has really taken off in the past few decades. The space exploration program is run by CNSA and CASC organizations. China has three exploration programs that include, a manned space program, a lunar, and mars mission, and potentially development of a Chinese space station as well in the future. All of this just shows how far China has come in such a short