Modular Instruction Essay

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Modular instruction is one of the latest innovations in the educational system. This innovation in the modular approach contains a series of activities each of which start with teaching instructions addressed to the learners, explanation, exercises and generalizations. Guido (2014) defined module as a self-contained, independent unit of a planned series of learning activities designed to help the student accomplish certain well-defined objectives. The learner is able to proceed at this own rate and recycle if necessary. Padmapriya (2015) mentioned the following components of a module, the statement of purpose, desirable pre-requisite skills, instructional objectives, entry behaviour test, transaction of instruments, criterion test, pretest …show more content…

It is a technique of self-instruction that involves the presentation of instructional materials to demonstrate their skills and comprehension. The principles and purpose of modular instruction, its advantages for both students and instructors, and a comparison between the conventional and modular approach are presented. Present evidence suggests that modular instruction meets the needs of today’s students more learning and the …show more content…

Effective in the sense that it helped the subjects of the study learn concepts in mathematics without cramming in keeping up with the pacing of the teacher. The use of modules in teaching these particular concepts in Math was very useful for the respondents in developing their individual learning study habits. The subjects who were taught using the modular approached performed significantly better than the subjects exposed to traditional lecture