Part Three: Reflection
D. Explain how the tool from part C will enhance student learning during the lesson.
The math tool playing cards will enhance student learning by providing a physical tool to manipulate with easy to read numbers. Cards have numbers and sets of objects to represent the number, to help students count. Using the playing cards students will easily create addition and subtraction problems then solve.
E. Explain how your lesson plan incorporates each of the following components:
1. conceptual understanding - The lesson incorporates manipulatives, students will gain a conceptual understanding of addition and subtraction because they can use Play-Doh to physically add or take away muffins to solve the problem and understand
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procedural fluency - Students will gain procedural fluency in the lesson through the teacher modeling and guided practice with math concepts. Students will use a variety of manipulatives to achieve a better understanding of how to represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 20.
F. Explain how one instructional strategy in your lesson plan (e.g., collaborative learning, modeling, discovery learning) supports learning outcomes.
One instructional strategy found throughout my lesson plan is modeling. As the teacher the thinking out loud while moving through the process of solving the problem students are not only hearing my thoughts, they also can mimic the process. Continual modeling and thinking aloud provides students with support while they follow along. Students will gain procedural knowledge as well as conceptual understanding. However, I find it important to have several instructional strategies in my lesson plan. Especially, students at this young age have different ways of learning. I like to iIncluding collaborative learning. This helps my kiddos build relationships within our classroom community. Students work together to support one another and solve the task given while taking the pressure off of only one student trying to figure out how to explain or solve a