Benefits Of Dialogic Teaching

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According to Faculty of Education at University of Cambridge, dialogic teaching is a way of teaching where talk is an effective way to carry out teaching and learning. It involves ongoing talk between two parties; the teacher and the students. In early 2000s, Robin Alexander developed this type of learning. Dialogical teaching helps teacher to discover students’ needs, assess their progress and so on.

Dialogic teaching offers an interaction; which is between not only teacher and students; it could be between student and student. This interaction encourages students to think. It is very beneficial if the students interact between them in a large number since everyone has their own experienced, opinion, ways of thinking and so forth. In computing, …show more content…

First repertoire, which is talk for everyday life is obviously being applied in any classroom. It support everyday human interaction and help students to develop, explore and utilize transactional talk, exploratory talk and so on. Learning talk provides students with not only factual answers but also allows them to narrate, explain, evaluate and many more. Teaching talk involves teacher in rote (where I drill any ideas facts and routine through repetition), recitation (recall or test what is expected to be known by using short question or key point), instruction (give order to student and tell them what and how to do; lab tutorial, project etc) and exposition (imparting information and explaining). The last repertoire (classroom organization) allows teacher to make use of five ways of organizing interaction. Those five ways include i) whole class teaching, ii) group work (teacher-led), iii) group work (student-led), iv) one-to-one (teacher and student) and v) one-to-one (student pairs). Whole class teaching seems to be the most important way in my class and I can be very sure in any other class since it is the main method uses to convey knowledge to students. Students get very comfortable and happy doing group work but there is a little case in which student is prefer to do individual work. No matter which way is selected, indirectly, students are actually developing their critical thinking. It is proved when students submit their work or project. Surprisingly there are many unexpected outcome especially in their project. I discover that my students are very creative and always think out of the box. This method may be can be applied for group project but when it comes to doing lab exercise, it is not an effective way. Wegerif in his paper ‘What is Dialogic