Summary Of Never Say Anything A Kid Can Say Reinhart

606 Words3 Pages

Problem Solving Essay

Shamyra Thompson

Liberty University

Summary of Author’s Position

In the article “Never Say Anything a Kid Can Say”, the author Steven C. Reinhart

shares how there are so many different and creative ways that teachers can teach Math in

their classrooms. Reinhart also discussed in his article how he decided not to just teach

Math the traditional way but tried using different teaching methods. For example, he tried

using the Student-Centered, Problem Based Approach to see how it could be

implemented in the classroom while teaching Math to his students. Reinhart found that

the approach worked very well for his students and learned that the students enjoyed

Math so much more while …show more content…

Reinhart learned that the best

possible way for the students to be more involved in the learning process was to make the

students feel comfortable being that they are at times self-conscious and insecure when it

come to participating and answering questions. Being that there is so much negative peer

pressure, the students sometimes get discouraged. When Reinhart makes the statement,

“Never say anything a kid can say”, he shares that this was an actual goal that he used to

help keep himself focused. He felt as if the this goal assisted him with developing and

improving his questioning skills and in hopes that it sent a message to the students that

their participation is very much so important. So instead of him telling his students

something, he would ask them a question instead.

Personal Response

My personal response to this article is that this teacher, who has a passion for

teaching students, took it upon himself and found out the best ways to help students