Interview Of A Psychology Teacher

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This project in the beginning I believed to be very silly and non beneficial to anyone bothering to complete it.But as I went through the motions of completing the assignment I found it to be quite intriguing,maybe it was the exciting teachers I interviewed or perhaps the benefits hidden in this assignment were finally revealing themselves to me.At the beginning of this assignment i thought the point of the interviews were to allow us to learn something about the teachers but it formed into something way more complex than that.I indeed did learn alot about my teachers i did not know before, for example i learned that Mr.Larson (my psychology teacher) works at an air conditioning store with his father to earn some more money,but if he had the …show more content…

After coming to terms with the way Mr.Larson teaches i use his abstract methods to stimulate my thinking.Instead of thinking of something from a basic point of view, I try to imagine it the way Mr.Larson would.Which ends up giving me the answer to a problem from two different perspectives.A due to Mr.Larson formerly being a student at Middletown High School,i believe he understands and empathizes with students more.What is greater than a teacher truly understanding the plight of their students.Most of Mr.Larsons answers did surprise me, but after analyzing his answers I came to the realization that teachers like him really bond well with students such as myself.I learned from Larson that if a teacher doesn't truly love what he/she is teaching it is difficult for them to effectively teach it to students.Through Mr.Larson i will try my best to approach every subject in school with an open mind and even a bit of excitement,because when you actually want to learn something all you have to do is put forth the effort and the excitement,because excitement stimulates learning.Now my next teacher is my teacher for both CLS (College Learning Strategies) and Collge Writing.So from the courses she teaches its obvious to tell that Mrs.Stevens is a teacher of the all things literature.Mr Larson and Mrs.Stevens are too very different teachers.From my interview with Mrs.Stevens I could easily decphier than she was the intellectual observant type.From the beginning of her teacher carrer to now