Mommy Research Paper

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Mission to Mommy The nose picker, the toy stealer, the crier, and the bored one. These are all your stereotypical playgroup kids. I ,however, wasn’t in any of these categories. I only wanted to go home. When I was a little kid I was in two playgroups, one of them was where I made tons of friends that I still have today, while the other was full of kids I wanted nothing to do with. When I was at the age of one I said my first word, but unlike other kids saying “mama” or “dada,” I said “ball.” Ugh, one year old me thought to myself, another day with the boring playgroup. I would’ve rather been eating vegetables, yuck I thought, never mind, I would rather be doing anything else than playgroup or eating vegetables. I wished I was at my other …show more content…

Running away from the nose picker, especially took a lot out of me. I needed to get to my mommy soon. I eventually found the door to the backyard and saw my mom. I waddled over to her trying to figure out how to let her know what I wanted. I reached her, tugged on her sleeve as she was talking with the other mommies, and she turned to me. I started to panic, not knowing what to do. You’re going to blow this, I thought to myself. I decided I would need to speak. Sure, it was a longshot, but it was my best chance. I sucked in a breath, thought of what I was about to say, and then let it …show more content…

She checked her phone and realized, “I’m sorry Jackie, but it’s time to go, we have to go to the other play group now.” I was only one so I had no idea what she said, or what it meant, so I followed her to the car, got in my car seat, and drove off. As we pulled into a driveway I hadn’t seen before I saw Owen sitting on the grass holding the little green, rubber ball that we play with. I was so excited to see him that I unbuckled the car seat myself, opened the door, and scurried over to him. We didn’t talk, because he couldn’t, but we knew what we do. He threw the ball to me, I threw it back and so on until it was time to go home. I waved bye to Owen, got in my car seat, and went home. I was so proud to say my first word, it felt like I could let all the pressure out with just saying one little word. I would soon learn more words in the future like the classic “mama” and “dada,” but also some more sports word like “run” or “jump.” As I got older I no longer went to playgroup but stayed great friends with Owen to this day. I soon learned that my mom doesn’t make all my dreams come true, but she helps me make my dreams come

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