Monkey In The Mirror Analysis

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In Anthropology class, we learned about how primates can have anthropocentric characteristics that define them. Primates having this certain quality can lead them to be different from other species for example, humans. Anthropocentric is when you view a certain nonhuman and compare them with human experiences. Even though, many people think that nonhumans don’t have the anthropocentric trait in them, but they can really show that they have those certain qualities by in the movie “Monkey in the mirror”, Clips about Koko the gorilla and lastly what certain characteristics do primates and humans do differently?
First, in “Monkey in the mirror” it showed a chimpanzee that was placed in front of the mirror. At first the chimpanzee was afraid because he didn’t know what was going on, but slowly he gained self-recognition which humans also have this trait. The reason why it similar for both species is because its shows that we are able to recognize ourselves and how we adapt this environment. If we didn’t have self-recognition, then we wouldn’t have the ability to learn about ourselves. Another example is self-recognition is culture because culture identifies who you are and where you came from. Primates and nonhumans have similar characteristics of culture. …show more content…

Koko the gorilla was learning sign language so she was able to communicate with humans better to show them what she evens wants. For example, when she wants to hold a baby she copies the movement that she was taught to do, and from there he owner knew what she wanted. Sign language can be for humans and primates, it can go either way. Koko the gorilla learned a human trait that can help her to better to communicate with other primates or even humans. Another example is when in” Koko the gorilla” when she gives a hug to her owner when she did something wrong. This is not the only way it can experience human like