Monsanto Unethical Issues

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There are three words that perfectly sum up the modern day food and agricultural industry, profit, profit, and profit. As the global population continues to rise at an astronomical rate, food industries are finding new ways to create more and more products, for an even cheaper price. Along with the genetic modification of plants and crops, many other aspects of farming have been introduced over the years. This includes the factory farming of livestock, which involves animals being locked up in tiny cages for their entire lives. Another issue involves the demand for organic products, and their increasing prices. It is obvious that ¨There is a growing market today for local, organic foods produced by small farmers.¨ (Schlesser) More and more …show more content…

Small farmers and providers are being torn apart because of today's GMO and artificial food systems. One big issue is seed-piracy, which is the copying of one's seed, and making it their own. Even if this form of plagiarism is accidental, farmers are still at risk for a law suit and a major fine. The company Monsanto by January 2013, “[...]had filed 144 patent infringement lawsuits, recovering as much as 160.6 million from farmers.” (How GMO crops hurt farmers). Monsanto’s artificial seeds are accidently being planted in innocent farmer’s fields, and instead of the company having to pay, the small farmers are being left with a massive fine. Even if just one tiny crop makes its way into a load, the whole process can be messed up. Once contaminated by an artificial seed, “[...]farmers report having a median of $4,500 in losses associated with a rejected load of grain.” (How GMO crops hurt farmers). These small farmers need money to survive, and the monstrous corporations are stealing the cash right from them and their families. Even other countries such as England, are banning US imports on crops. High quality organic farmers are losing access to these foreign markets, due to all of the artificial chemicals and preservatives that are being used. Even the prices for food that livestock require are increasing at a high, steady rate. In the modern day food industry, genetically modifying companies, care more about capital, then the