Montana 1948 Analysis

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Although Montana is a dry, sparse, mundane state the events that took place the summer of 1948 changed the course of history for the Hayden family. In the novel Montana 1948 written by Larry Watson the Hayden family goes through some genuine struggles. They try to resemble the perfect ideal family in the eyes of the public due to the fact that their name represents the law in Mercer County. Unfortunately, behind closed doors, they are falling apart. "From the summer of my twelfth year I carry a series of images more vivid and lasting than any other of my boyhood and indelible beyond all attempts the years make to erase or fade them...."(pg.11). These events that had taken place had affected a virtuous child and he ended up witnessing the world for what it exactly is. Evil. Throughout the story David starts off as a sweet innocent child and although he is a Hayden he has not become one emotionally or mentally. That was until he overheard a conversation between his parents about Marie Little Soldier, David 's childhood love. But also, about his Uncle Frank the person whom he had idolized growing up. This was the beginning of an extremely long, painful summer full of secrets and disappointment. Near the beginning of the novel Marie ends up getting sick and Wesley has his brother Frank come to observe her because he is a doctor. Unfortunately, Frank had made Marie tremendously uncomfortable and she later reveals why when Gail tells Wesley, "Your brother makes his patients-