Montresor In The Amontillado By Edgar Allan Poe

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Another character of the story is Montresor he is also the narrator of the story. In the story, we have only his perspective, that Fortunato is the evil person and Montresor is an underprivileged person. However, Montresor is an intelligent character, invents the story of having a very fine and expensive wine, the Amontillado. The context helped Montresor a lot with his goal since they were in a celebration. Fortunato is a character who had constantly mocked Montresor. Montresor decides to take revenge from Fortunato. He takes Fortunato to his house, and they go down to some underground passageways where his warehouse is so that Fortunato gives his opinion about an amontillado wine barrel that supposedly Montresor has received but doubts about