Montresor Revenge Quotes

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"The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as best I could; but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge."(Montressor; Cask of Amontillado) As the saying goes, hatred and grudges can lead to fatal circumstances. Edgar Allen Poe illustrates the concept of revenge through Montressors' demented thoughts and creates a sense that Montressor feels revenge should be considered okay because of the reasoning behind it. This is represented by, the way Montressor wants to punish Fortunato because of the hatred he has for him and his understanding of why Fortunato has treated him so poorly. Also the way Montressor makes it seem like revenge is the right and necessary thing to do to correct the wrong Fortunato has done to him. As well as, how Montressor ultimately manipulates Fortunato. …show more content…

Montressor reveals that he never did anything to cause Fortunato doubt of his good-will. He smiled in Fortunato's face because he was thinking of Fortunato's immolation or fate. "I must not only punish, but punish with impunity." (Montressor; Cask of Amontillado) Montressor says that quote and it is an important quote because it shows the hatred in the way Montressor wants to get revenge on Fortunato. Not only will the thought of revenge stay in Fortunato's mind. Fortunato mentions that he will get revenged and that's