Moon Of The Crusted Snow Gender Roles

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The ratio of female to male characters in novels is estimated to be around 1:4, with an increase in recent years that hopes to tie the ratio. In many pieces of literature, women are portrayed in a weak light, as characters with no will always submit to the situation around them. Strong female characters are important as they can boost the confidence of females in society. The female characters in Moon of the Crusted Snow by Waubgeshig Rice are portrayed in a positive light, as seen in Aileen Jones, Nicole McCloud, and Meghan Connor, and offer insight into the strengths women contribute to society.

Aileen is an elder who keeps the Anishinaabe culture alive, by being a caregiver and key member of the community. She is a strong female character …show more content…

Nicole develops into a leader as in the epilogue of the novel, she is the one leading the community into the new settlement. She shifts the dynamic of men taking charge and proves that women can do just as much, if not more. The dynamic of men and women is also shifted as Evan is the one who is waiting at the settlement instead of Nicole. Traditionally the man would be leading the community while the women wait for them, but Nicole overturns this stereotype and leads. Nicole also develops into a knowledgeable sage of Anishinaabe medicine. Her knowledge of medicine is vouched for by Aileen when speaking to Evan, “When the spring comes, ask her to show you some of the medicines. She'll know a lot now, if she remembers all the stuff from when I used to take her and all the young girls out there. It will be important if we don't get any new supplies in from the hospital down south.” (Rice, 119). The knowledge that Nicole gains will be vital to the community if traditional medicine stops arriving. Her knowledge will be more important than physical prowess in situations when someone is ill or injured. In “Talking about Books: Strong Female Characters in Recent Children’s Literature.” Pat Heine, explores how female characters should be willing to stay with others for reasons that make sense. Female characters should not be staying with a love interest due to …show more content…

The first obstacle that was thrown at Meghan was the storm forcing Meghan and her husband, Brad, to flee their home. Meghan overcomes this challenge by seeking out a refuge where she can contribute and live until the situation calms down. The second obstacle Meghan faces is the threat of Scott. She knows she can't beat his influence alone and confides in Nicole. Meghan also confides in Nicole about her third obstacle, her husband Brad, who has also begun to change, “And the worst part is, Brad has totally fallen in line” (130). She knows that she cannot face them alone and confides in Nicole to help her. This is not showing weakness but rather playing the cards she was dealt. In “Women, History and Identity”, Mary Cullen talks about how traditionally men have had women bend to their pleasing. This is visible as Scott and Brad make Meghan hunt for their food. However, Meghan breaks out of this power dynamic with murder. She kills both her husband and Scott shifting the power from them to Nicole. She shines as a character as she was a vital part of ending the reign of the evil men who abused