Mor First Founded In 300 B. C By Seleucus Nicator

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Antioch was first founded in 300 B.C by Seleucus Nicator. It borders near the mouth of the Orontes River, about 12 miles northwest of the Syrian border, 16 miles from the Mediterranean, and 300 miles north of Jerusalem (Dr. William Smith). Antioch was a very important place in the Christian world. The relevance of Antioch was that it was the third city of the Roman Empire. It was also the second place that Apostle Paul went on one of his missionary journeys. There he set the foundation to many journeys to come. He stayed there for one year, and did a good work (New King James Version, Gal. 2:11). Christianity was presented early in this city, and Antioch became the first place that the follows of Jesus were call Christians (New King James Version,