Moral Codes: Right Or Wrong?

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The definition of morality is the distinction between right and wrong. Nevertheless, various cultures at different times in history have assorted ideas on what is a part of their moral code. Since every society develops their own independent moral code another society does not have the right to decide if it is wrong. However, there are some values are universal like the ten commandments. Moral codes are developed in various areas and time periods, no moral code is better than others, and there are some codes that are universal.
In different areas of the world they have distinct cultures and religions. One of the reasons for this is that they were geographically separated. Continents of north and south America and Europe were alienated from each other because of the thousands of miles of water. It was not until Columbus discovered America in 1492 were the two worlds introduced to each other. Therefore, the native americans had different morals than the Europeans. The Incas and Aztecs sacrificed humans to their gods. These sacrifices were immoral according to the Europeans moral code. Nonetheless, to the Aztec and Incas it was the right thing to do because the purpose of the sacrifices was to praise their gods. When Europe was colonizing the new world they deemed the native cultures barbaric. They …show more content…

The time period and how industrialized a culture is dictates the values it possess. Moral codes are based on religious thought and since no one knows for certain what is right or wrong they cannot determine if a cultures principles moral. In the past moral codes have been based on religion, however over time more people are starting to rely on science. The ten commandments have become an universal moral code because of European explorers. Moral codes develop in a range of locations and historical periods, no moral code is more correct than another, and there are particular values that are