The Greatest Happiness Principle In John Stuart Mill's Philosophy

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Utilitarianism is the theory that justifies actions as right to the extent that they produce utility. Utility itself can then be categorized as any benefit that improves or increases a person’s well-being. Therefore, utilitarianism implies telling the teacher the truth about the situation is the right choice. I will also argue that utilitarianism provides the appropriate moral perspective to take. The principle of utility states that we should perform actions that are likely to produce the most utility. John Stuart Mill describes ‘utility’ as pleasure in the absence of pain (Mill,1). Therefore, the choice to be made should ultimately derive more pleasure than pain. The most plausible application of the greatest happiness principle in the case is that a person should tell the teacher what was truly going on with the other student. Essentially, this decision evaluates more than just the increase of wellbeing, but also the moral worth of actions (Common Ethics Handout, 1). The teacher can assist your friend in need and act …show more content…

Thus being said, telling the teacher would not only be the right choice to make for your friend, but it would also benefit you morally, resulting in both well-beings to increase. In this situation, the case proves to be practical and realistic to choose to talk to the teacher. Whereas if you choose not to disclose anything to your teacher, your friend could still be wrestling with their difficult situation at home, overwhelming stress, and now possibly a low grade due to lack of communal work and participation. The fact of the matter is, if one chooses to do nothing, nothing will change. Consequently, standing up to mortality and ethical values one should say something and make a