Moral Corruption In Ha Jin's The Saboteur

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The Spread of Moral Corruption in Ha Jin’s “The Saboteur” There is a famous saying that goes, “the fish rots from the head down.” It is commonly used to indicate that if a business fails, it is because of its leadership, as the weaknesses of its leadership tend to trickle down to the employees. This dictum is not just limited to businesses; it applies to governments as well. Ha Jin illustrates these dynamics in his short story, “The Saboteur”, At the heart of the story is a play on the metaphor of a disease and its outbreak. The disease metaphor is used in two significant ways: first, it is a commentary on how easily moral corruption can spread to the people, and second, it is a statement on how even though things may look like they are improving, the core problem will still preside and things could revert back to their old ways. The rich and suggestive use of disease in the story enables Ha Jin to depict how moral corruption in governments can spread like a cancer that spreads out of control and for which little can be done. Significantly, the story suggests that corruption is harmful to the social fabric of society but also destructive to those who thrive on it—namely corrupt regimes and controlling governments. It is as if the disease ends up eating itself. The story is centered on the experience of a man, named Mr. Chiu, with the police. He had contracted hepatitis 3 months ago, and although his health was improving, he was afraid that he was going to relapse. He and