Moral Ethics In Nursing

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Patricia Tanglao

In this paper I will present the Moral ethics of being human in relation to my practice as a Nursing student. As a student Nurse this is significant to me because it encompasses my belief of “responsibility” towards the others, specifically to the patients that nurses deal with every duty. This idea may contribute to the Nursing profession as it contains the explanation of why, despite not being related with them, makes Nurses feel attached to patients, as if they are under the hands of the latter. To the society, it may serve as the written explanation of behind the act of being moral, the 'moral ought ' as the origin of Ethics and how it is perceived to be part of our innate nature rather than being born out of reason …show more content…

Have you ever thought of why or rather how other humans have the power to affect our whole being? Beaver (1995) quoted Levinas’ work from ——. "The very meaning of being an other person is "the one to whom I am responsible."” Beaver’s explanation of Levinas’ claim is that the “moral ought”, the origin of Ethics, is none other than the ‘other ', or the recognition of the “otherness” of the human person through sensibility. According to Beaver, Sensibility is passive, it is the enjoyment of life, and it is satisfaction through nourishment of everything the person ought to consummate. Here rises the theory of “Ethical Egoism” as the basis for morality and Ethics. Harry Browne stated …show more content…

The very meaning of being an other person is "the one to whom I am responsible." To counter my argument, Levinas defined being moral as a due to the responsibility we are tied with and due to the other person, that we are one and the same. But the theory is more directed and rooted between two persons, and derived from the theory of Ethical egoism. If we put the basis of morality in a larger group of individuals, and still apply the same premises, conflicts between what is morally right for the other maybe wrong for another. In Utilitarianism the standard of morality is set on the basis of what is good for most and not just for one person. John Stuart Mill stated that:
“The creed which accepts as the foundation of morals, Utility, or the Greatest Happiness Principle, holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of