Moral Implications In Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics

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While reading the text, Nicomachean ethics, which was written by Aristotle, one can see that friendship is quite and important and necessary element when it comes to living a virtuous and happy life. Friendship can be a very powerful tool when it comes to living a virtuous life as it can help individuals grow and can also make virtuous actions come more easily to an individual as friends will always challenge one to grow. In this paper, we will explore how friendship impacts not only moral implications but political ones as well. Therefore, friendship is discussed even in today 's society as it can have many different roles not only towards an individual’s choices but as a society as a whole, as it can affect factions as well depending on the …show more content…

Even though Aristotle does mention that there are five elements to living a good virtuous life, which are: friendship, pleasure, virtue, honor, and wealth, we will mostly be focusing on one aspect, friendship, because without friendship the others do not …show more content…

Or how can prosperity be guarded and preserved without friends? The greater it is, the more exposed is it to risk. And in poverty and in other misfortunes men think friends are the only refuge. It helps the young, too, to keep from error; it aids older people by ministering to the needs and supplementing the activities that are failing from weakness; those in the prime of life it stimulates to noble actions ‘two going together’- for with friends men are more able both to think and to act” (Aristotle, Ross, 1999, p. 127). In this quote, he is stating that friendships are deeper than any other form of relationship and that it is a bond of trust that cannot be easily be broken and that it meets all the requirements of a good