Moral Reasonings According To Kant's Utilitarianism

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The two moral reasonings are consequentialist and categorical. Consequentialist means the consequences that will result after whatever you do whether it is the right or wrong thing to do. Categorical means that both the action and consequence matter to you, so you think more about what you 'll do becuase you know what the consequence will be. ⦁ What is the “principle of utility” according to Mill? Explain what Mill means by “utilitarianism.” According to Sandel’s lecture, which type of moral reasoning, does Mill’s utilitarianism use? According to Mill the principle of utility means realizing a consequence of something before you do it,whether your intentions are good or bad. What Mill means by utilitarianism is giving the greatest hapiness to the greatest number of people. According to Sandel 's lecture Mill 's utilitarianism uses consequentialist reasoning. ⦁ Define the terms “categorical and “imperative.” Categorical means absollute for exmple, if someone asks you if you are hungry a you say,"no", that means you are absolutely denying being hungry. Imperattive meas to demand or tell someone what to do for example, "Don 't answer the phone", you are demanding someone not to answer the phone. ⦁ What is Kant’s “categorical imperative”? Explain what Kant means by the humanity and universal law versions of his categorical imperative. According to Sandel’s lecture which type of moral reasoning does Kant use? Kant had two versions to his categorical imperative. The first