C. S. Lewis presents remarkable ways that different topics and arguments can coincide with each other and make complete connections with the purpose of his book Mere Christianity. After reading Mere Christianity it became apparent that his use of rhetorical devices is unlike any other. He has the ability to portray his arguments in a way that his readers could understand. This quality is quite impressive and every writer, who is trying to persuade, can definitely look upon his work to see a glimpse of what great persuasive piece of writing looks like. SUMMARY Lewis’ most compelling arguments, in my opinion, can be found in book three of his work where he describes Christian behavior. Two words that describe his view of morality would be: harmony and purpose. Harmony, in regards to morality, should be found between people and inside an individual themself. Purpose, answers the age old question of what is the purpose of human life? C. S. Lewis answers the question above by saying that the purpose of …show more content…
In relationships, people argue or misunderstand one another, but in this relationship God is always right -- as He is in everything He does. In our relationship with God our faults, or hindrances, are sin. The “greatest sin” has been argued for years, but Lewis simply names it as pride. Pride is the great sin. Pride is prevalent in everyone’s lives, and if someone does not think it is there, it just proves that it most definitely is there. In our Christian walk, as we walk with God, pride is one of the biggest hindrances that separates us from Him. Although C. S. Lewis claims this to be true, he also insists that God does not forbid pride. Pride is not always a bad thing. He even uses the example of someone mistaking in individual’s pleasure with pride, which I will address later. But the bottom line here is that C. S. Lewis believes that pride is a great sin that infects every Christian’s