Mormon Cremation Essay

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“Many Mormons believe that upon death the soul is judged and, based on the soul’s general goodness, is sent to either spirit paradise or spirit prison.” Latter-Day Saints believe that Christ will return to earth and souls will either be sent to the Celestial Kingdom or the Terrestrial Kingdom. I chose to examine the funeral rites of the Mormon church more thoroughly because they are after all, the largest religious group founded in America and very prominent in the city in which I live in. As a matter of fact, upon seeing this lesson, I had two missionaries come to my door (Elders) and I briefly asked them about Mormon funerals. Neither of the young men gave me much information, they both just shrugged their shoulders. They were very clear that cremation was …show more content…

He will also help with notifying family and friends and the obituary and will notify the “Melchizedek Priesthood – male members who meet strict standards of worthy behavior and church participation who are ordained to specific offices”. Embalming and organ donation are acceptable. Cremation is acceptable, but the Church does not encourage it. If cremation is decided by the family, the deceased should be dressed in their Temple attire. At least that answered my previous question about cremation. So, in a way, both of my sources were correct. The Elders at my door were young and are probably enforced to share the stricter guidelines of their religion. On the other hand, the grandmother knows her rights as a Mormon and realizes it is overall her choice. Also pertaining to the handling of the body and the Temple attire, the clothing should be the deceased’s own clothing. New clothing does not need to be purchased to dress the body. Sometimes the body may just be too fragile for Church members to dress, so it can also be laid inside the casket next to the