Mormons To Make Sense Of Gay Marriage Essay

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Leave It to the Mormons to Make Sense of Gay Marriage

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, better known as the Mormons, will not support gay marriage regardless of what the United States Supreme Court says. That does not, however, mean that they will not be respectful to those who hold different beliefs.

The church's Council of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles sent an official notice to all of the Mormon churches to be read to the congregations. The notice said that the church will not perform any gay marriage ceremonies and that no church grounds or buildings may be used for homosexual services.

According to the Christian Post, the Mormon church made it clear to its followers that “changes in the civil law do not, indeed cannot, change the moral law that God has established. God expects us to uphold and keep His commandments regardless of divergent opinions or trends in society. His law of chastity is clear: …show more content…

They also made it clear what they believe about homosexuality, declaring that “homosexual behavior violates the commandments of God, is contrary to the purposes of human sexuality, and deprives people of the blessings that can be found in family life and in the saving ordinances of the Gospel.”

While many in the LGBT community may find the church's stance offensive, the church also made some very important clarifying statements that truly show the Christian character of the declarations. The church was very clear that while homosexuality is a sin, and the church will not participate in any ceremonies that promote such sin, the homosexual people themselves are to be respected and loved.

The Mormons have stood beside same-sex couples who have fought for equality is hospitalization and medical care, employment, and housing issues. They simply ask that the gay lobby and gay people show them the same respect back, and not ask them to violate their