Romeo And Juliet: An Epilogue To Friar Lawrence

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In the city of Verona, young Romeo began his trip to Friar Lawrence’s cell for morning confession. He passed the marketplace and many well known people. After the short trip to Friar Lawrence's cell he finally arrived. “Hello Friar Lawrence, how have you been?” Romeo asked. “Ah Romeo, meet any new girls on your trip here? I know you are quite the flirt, even at your young age.” The friar chuckled, and turned back to his plants. “Not this trip, I flirt with so many girls it's quite boring.” Friar Lawrence led Romeo into the church, to begin their morning confession. Once in the church, Romeo noticed two other people in the church with them. “Friar, who are those girls?” he asked. “Oh, that is Juliet, and her Nurse. They are here for confession …show more content…

“There was something about his attitude that reminded me of someone I know, maybe a Montague!” yelled Juliet. “You are being too loud, everyone is looking over here now.” the Nurse said, “He might remind you of a Montague because he is one.” “There is no way I would ever even thing about talking to a Montague! Why would you ever leave me alone with the enemy?” Juliet began to walk faster, away from the Nurse. “The feud shouldn't matter to you, you’re so young!” The Nurse and Juliet argued the whole way home about young Romeo. On the other side of town, Romeo and Mercutio were in the Montague’s mansion. “ You won’t believe what happened to me today Mercutio, I was at morning confession, minding my own business, and this young girl threatened to have her cousin fight me!” “What would that cousin’s name be?” asked Mercutio. “ Oh I don’t remember, Tibby… Tyblat… Oh! It was Tybalt, i have no idea who that even is.” Romeo exclaimed. “Tybalt Capulet, he is not someone you want to mess with.” said Mercutio gravely. “Your telling me that girl I talked to for like an hour was a Capulet?” said Romeo, shocked. “Yes, this feud has been going on for as long as I can remember.” said