Tybalt Responsible For The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet Essay

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Tybalt is the one to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet deaths. Tybalt was the one responsible for their deaths. When he always find romeo he wants to fight him but romeo doesn't want to. Tybalt was the one who always wanted to fight with Romeo because Romeo went to the Capulet party to find his love, rosaline. Tybalt then says to his servant “This, boy, By his voice, is a montague. Fetch my rapier, boy” (1.5.59-60).Tybalt is to blame because he always was wanting to challenge Romeo to a duel but, Romeo wasn’t up to fighting him. Tybalt was the one who drove romeo to kill him, then leading to Romeo’s banishment.Tybalt tried to get into a pointless feud with romeo for going to the party.Tybalt recognizes Romeo’s voice and tells his servant to get his rapier (sword). …show more content…

A bears him like a poorly gentleman, and to say truth, verona brags of him.” (1.5.72-74)Tybalt is to blame for their deaths Because Capulet says it’s not worth tybalt’s time, tybalt still challenges Romeo to a duel. They fight but, tybalt ends up being killed ending in romeo’s banishment to mantua and his depression. They then make up the plan but it fails.Tybalt killed Mercutio because romeo doesn’t want to fight and Romeo kills Tybalt for killing him.Tybalt wants to fight Romeo but Romeo doesn’t want to so Tybalt stabs Mercutio under romeo’s arm. Mercutio then says “I am