Morrie's Belief In Aging

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Morrie 's belief in aging as a growth and not a decay is something I agree with. The reason I agree with Morrie 's view on aging because of all the years I 've lived (17 years), I 've learned how to walk, talk, eat, poop, and take care of myself. If it weren 't for aging, we wouldn 't be able to know the things we do now. Many say that with age comes wisdom and it 's true. If you were to stay young forever, you wouldn 't be able to experience life to the fullest because we are all meant to grow old and die. So, with that experience, you wouldn 't understand the meaning of life and you wouldn 't have the wisdom of an old person. You would still be young and ignorant and carry the mind of a child; blind to life 's problems and life 's most