
Moses Influence On Religion And Religion

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Moses- Lead the Israelites out of slavery, was an Israelite with connections to the royal family, It’s possible that this reflects a real emigration followed by years spent in the wilderness. The Bible records that, Moses and his people spent 40 years wandering the desert and made a covenant with Yahweh; they would be his chosen people if they promised to worship him exclusively. This was confirmed by the stone tablets Moses brought down from the mountain, with the ten commandments on it. (79)
Significance- Moses created and solidified the basis for Judaism and Christianity, by bringing down the stone tablets down from the mountain. It gave the Israelite people rules to follow, as well as giving them, they were going to be the chosen people. The tablets were hugely important, and changed their society forever.

Yahweh- The Israelite god, made a covenant with Abraham, the first all-knowing deity, and the first to be worshipped exclusively. (79) …show more content…

It completely changed religion, turning away from other religions of the area. It changed power dynamics among the people, priests held a lot of power over everyone and it reflected in the population, it furthered a divide between the wealthy and the poor, that sometimes ended in violence. Yahweh also acted as legal system for the people, there were clear rules and if they were broken, there were clear consequences; a women could be stoned to death for cheating on her

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