Most Dangerous Game, By Richard Connell

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2) Main Conflict
The main conflict in the short story, “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell, is Predator vs Prey.

Connell’s literary masterpiece showcases a perfect example of the hunter becoming the hunted or the predator becoming the prey. It is revealed in the actions and thoughts of Rainsford who epitomizes prey, and General Zaroff, who exemplifies the predator. This conflict is resolved when their roles are switched.

When Zaroff encounters Rainsford, he states, “God makes some men poets. Some He makes kings, some beggars. Me he made a hunter. My hand was made for the trigger, my father said.... My whole life has been one prolonged hunt.” Here, the general says that God himself made him a hunter. He also reveals that hunting …show more content…

Then it was that Rainsford knew the full meaning of terror.” When the general saves him for another day’s sport, Rainsford, once again, acknowledges the fact that he is the hunted, a terrified mouse, and Zaroff is his hunter, a cat playing with his prey.

Not only does Rainsford identify himself as prey many times, he also demonstrates an important part of the relationship between predator and prey: co-evolution. When Rainsford makes a “Malay mancatcher” trap, and it bruises Zaroff’s shoulder, the general retaliates by returning with his bloodthirsty hounds. Zaroff and Rainsford increase the intensity of the game together. When Rainsford begins setting traps, the general also unleashes his dogs. Zaroff sees that his prey has evolved, and therefore he too must change to continue the hunt.

When Rainsford survives three days, the general congratulates him, saying he has “won the game”. Rainsford, unamused, does not smile. He responds hoarsely, “I am still a beast at bay. Get ready.” Rainsford tells Zaroff that the game is not over, and he, like a hunted animal, will keep up the fight until the general is dead. The general accepts this challenge, saying the winner will sleep in his bed, while the other will be fed to the