
Mother Teresa Research Paper

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“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” Mother Teresa didn’t just say these powerful words, she lived by them. Mother Teresa was a highly intelligent woman, who knew that the key to life is giving, being kind, and spreading love. This woman was one of the most influential people of her time. Although she is very well known, Mother Teresa didn’t do gracious acts to gain fame; she sought out to do the acts out of kindness, her faith leading her to do the right thing. Mother Teresa became known as such a powerful leader by her experiences in her life, the process of her sisterhood, the significant events throughout her life, and the impact she had on people’s lives. On a summer day in Skopje, Macedonia, …show more content…

She then became known as Mother Teresa after she finished all her Profession of Vows in Calcutta. She traveled to many places during her sisterhood to assist the people who need her help the most. She spread her religion to many, helping thousands upon thousands of people, during her time. Mother Teresa was a very selfless person. The last fifty years of her life she was suffering from health related issues, such as tuberculosis. No one knew about her health issues, because she would rather focus on the needs of others, rather than paying attention and carrying for her own …show more content…

Mother Teresa died at the age of eighty-seven. At her body was put to rest in the Mother House of the Missionaries of Charity. To the year of 1997, she brought out almost four thousand sisters, started six-hundred and ten foundations in one hundred and twenty-three different countries. I would say that that is quite an accomplishment for a single person.
Researching about Mother Teresa was very intriguing to me for many reasons. She has always been someone I have looked up to, growing up in the Catholic faith myself. I have past knowledge of some of the things she did, but after researching I learned that all I used to know about her is that she helped people and won the Nobel Peace Prize.
One of the facts that stuck out to me most about Mother Teresa was that she had severe trouble with her faith. It shocked me to find out that a woman with such demeanor and a selfless heart could have so much trouble in her faith. The reason she attributed her life to giving to people was because God called upon her to do so.
Learning more about Mother Teresa, I am in awe of her accomplishments. Through her own sicknesses and hardships in her life, she still continued to feel the need and drive to help

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