Mother To Son By Langston Hughes Analysis

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There are many written pieces in literature that describe a mother's love but a particular poem redefines the understanding of true love. The metaphor created by Langston Hughes in “Mother to Son” resonates with many people due to the many obstacles and splinters that could disrupt a person’s life. Throughout the extended metaphor, the character Mother represents the true epitome of selfless love and care. As the poem unfolds, Mother reveals the depth of intimacy she has for her son. Mother who plays the speaker in the poem recounts the experiences she had to endure and she also attests that her life is challenging. However, she manages to recover despite her circumstances. Likewise, she wishes that her son does not fall into the challenges …show more content…

Every year during the summer I would vacation in Haiti. One summer, as I sat under the mango tree I noticed a peculiar phenomenon. A mother hen dashed out with her 7 stunningly colored, and distinctively patterned chicks, and headed straight for the crumbs of food that had fallen off the small aluminum pot that served as the cooking container. She came towards the food so ferociously and started to cluck at her chicks, beckoning them to come to the food fest she had just discovered. But there was a problem due to the large number of chicks she had, and the relatively small amount of food available. One would think that this would lead to a fierce battle between the chicks as to who could get more. The mother hen knew this, so she started sharing her own techniques. She would go to one end where there was a noodle that was too long for one chick to swallow at a go, and she would cluck at her chicks, taunting them to come for it, and momentarily the chicks would pounce on the noodle, and start to devour it. I could tie this flashback so closely to this poem because it is hard to articulate a mother’s love, it is often described with adjectives like ‘unwavering’ and ‘unconditional’. Indeed, a mother’s words, actions, thoughts, and emotions encapsulate the beautiful nature of her love for her children and in Mother case her