Mothers-Daughters In Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club

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Mothers are the most influential people in the life of daughters. Mothers would do everything for their daughters, making a relationship build on love and devotion. However, this bond between mothers and daughters can be very complex and mostly needs time to be fully understood. In the story “The Joy Luck Club”, there are four conflicts between mothers-daughters, but the protagonist and most important character of the story Jing-Mei and her Chinese mum Suyuan create the most complicated relationship of the novel as Suyuan dies and this event radically influences the life of Jing-Mei, teaching her something that cannot be taught anywhere. The relationship between mothers and daughters can have many ups and downs, even so it would always be built on love, sacrifice but sometimes it is also taken for granted sometimes as shown by the characters Jing-Mei and Suyuan in “The Joy Luck Club” .
“The Joy Luck Club” is a famous novel written by Amy Tan which illustrates a great example of a mother and daughter …show more content…

In this novel, the greatest desire of Suyuan is to do anything to help and provide her daughter the best future possible which can be seen when she moves to America, leaving her two daughters behind. Suyuan is a very motivated character who does not want to make Jing-Mei experience the same things she had to go through. She wants to provide her with a better life which includes things such as joy, happiness and pleasure which is illustrated in this quote “In America I will have a daughter just like me. But over there nobody will say her worth is measured by the loudness of her husband’s belch. Over there nobody will look down on her, because I will make her speak only perfect American English” (Tan 2). Mothers are willing to make tough decisions in order to improve their children’s life as Suyuan leaves two daughters