Movie Analysis: Denial In Flowers In The Attic

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Definition of denial is the action of declaring something to be untrue and the refusal of something requested or desired. In other words I believe that denial is knowing of something and avoiding the true. Everybody has been in denial many times in their life because sometimes dying it may be easier than be straight forward about it. The best example I have to explain denial is from a movie called Flowers in the Attic. I chose denial because it a very interesting topic to because I am interested in learning about why I am always in denial. Normally when im in denial about a situation a normally refuse to acknowledge the stressful topic. I find it easier to denie it than to actually own up to the situtaction. I tend to find it easier to minimize the consequences of the problem. Marjprity of the time when im in denial my conscience can tell that im trying to avoid something but I don’t normally think about it. Being in denial is like a second nature to me. One movie that helps me explain denial very well is a movie called Flowers in the Attic. The movie is about young women who had children and was married to rich man, This most of the actors in this movie are in denial. The young women hunband dies and she isn’t able to afford living in her …show more content…

Denial is unheathly and could really destroy you inside. A personal example I have about denial is last quarter I was going through depression and I was denial about it . I was so depress that I was doing negative things to m body like over eating , sleeping and crying. I didn’t really want to tell anyone because I didn’t want to be judge. I finally decided to go to couseling at CSI and it worked out for the better because my counselor is great, Resfusing to the truth that you know can really hurt you inside that why I choose