Movie Review: The Truman Show

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The Truman Show: The True Men Living beyond aven Ones who have watched the film definitely cannot forget the scene when Truman throws himself against the “sky”, which is, in fact, a solid and perfectly painted backdrop, in hope of breaking out of his Seahaven. The “sky” is just so perfectly painted that, as if it is taunting at ones who is easily fooled by the seeming “reality”. The Truman Show directed by Peter Weir, does not only present an escape of a man who is fed up with the artificiality of utopian society he lives, but also reflect a postmodern world dominated by media and there is “a reality” is largely or even thoroughly constituted by the images of media. This film through constantly blurring the dichotomy between the “the real” and “the simulated” depicts how the contemporary audience respond the hyperreality in reality. “The Truman Show” as a Reality TV show The Truman Show is a film, which examines the idea of Reality TV which operates at the edge of reality. The movie, The Truman Show has adopted the name of the Reality TV show. In Kafaleno’s (2003) essay, she proposed a term, “double- coding” to describe the complicated structure of The Truman Show (p.2). It is like a film within a film as the structure of the movie is based on the fictional television program, which is on air 24/7 without any interruption. The scenes from the television show are simultaneously represented in the film. As the audience of the film, we also shares the position of the