Moving Out On A Date Essay

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There are various reasons why you might have picked up this book. For example, you are TIRED of FAILING in your love life, and you want to CHANGE. Or, on the flipside, you are reluctant to make a move in dating because you’re AFRAID to face REJECTION. Whatever the exact reasons, you know some guidance will help you boost your courage and take the first step to ask someone out on a date. To see a transformation in your love life and get acquainted with the contents presented in this book may not be easy. No doubt the materials will provide you with good insights, but to be fully congruent with your compelling desire to have a long-lasting relationship, you’ll need move out of your comfort zone and take MASSIVE ACTION! This is the straw that …show more content…

If your answer is YES, congratulate yourself because you are probably enjoying some successes in your dating life. If your answer is MAYBE or NO, then it’s time to think hard on what is stopping you from being attracted to yourself. If you don’t think you’re worth it, don’t expect others to think you’re worth it. Now, let’s learn how the inner psychology commonly known as “The Inner Game” works. Similar to running a business, your chance of success in dating rests 80% on your inner game and 20% on your actions or techniques. It is crucial that you comprehend the importance of having a solid inner game, because a poor inner game will damage your rate of success. With a poor inner game, you might know exactly what to say and do, but a nagging little voice inside your mind will play tricks on you and lead you astray. Furthermore, you might say all the right things, but if your words don’t come from an authentic place, you risk creating a mismatch between the internal (how you feel) and the external (what you do), creating discomfort between others and