Moving Rain By Rush Analysis

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This song was part of an album called Moving Pictures by Rush, and they are a progressive rock band. This song was written in the Progressive era and the band consists of three males. The voices in the eerie intro seem creepy and this was used to create fear. This song is about the evils of the mind rather than anything related to sorcery. To make it realistic, the screams of the members were used in this part. In this scene, the three witches are introduced in a foggy setting amidst thunder and lightning. The song creates a setting where the night is black and the air is thick and still. The song includes a mob that “moves like demons possessed”. This could relate to the scene as the three witches are introduced in a setting similar to the one in the song. This song is part of a soundtrack from the movie Mulan, which came out in 1998. The song falls under the genre of pop rock. This song can relate to this scene because Lady Macbeth questions Macbeth’s manhood and she is trying to make him into a tougher man. The song is played during the scene where Captain Li Shang is trying to make men out of his squadron of incompetent soldiers. This is a very important scene in the movie as Shang is trying to create and army. The song has a motivational tone to it as the singer sounds commanding. Even though it is sung by a male it still relates to Lady …show more content…

This song falls under the genre of pop. This song can relate to this scene because Macbeth meets with the murderers and talks about how Banquo is their enemy. In this scene, they plan on killing Banquo and in the movie during the song, Scar meets with his hyena henchmen to scold them for not killing Simba. Therefore, both the meetings revolved around killing a person to gain power.The singer has a scary and rough tone to his voice. This song was sung by male and this provides a rough voice that is needed for a commanding male