
The Invention Of Fighter Airplanes During World War One

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The invention of the airplane incredible feat they’re used for many things, from war to transportation. During World War Two there were many types of airplanes used to win the war. Fighter airplanes were one of the most important of all airplanes to be used during the war. The Boeing P-26 Peashooter had a top speed of 234 mph, with range of 633.8 miles. It was also one of the first all-metal airplanes to be built. The Vought V-173/xF5u-“Flying Flapjack” was a prototype that had one crew member, two engines and a top speed of 138 mph. It flew at an angle of 33 degrees because of the engine placement and the fact it had no wings. Next the Grumman F6F Hellcat. It had a top speed of 380 mph, and a range of 994.5 miles. It was introduced in 1943 as a carrier based fighter aircraft. The F-82 Twin Mustang was a twin cockpit airplane with each fuselage having an engine of its own. It had a top speed of 482 mph. It was introduced at the …show more content…

They were used for landing on water and water rescue missions. One of these airplanes was called the Douglas Dolphin which had a top speed of 156 mph. It was introduced in 1931. It was an an amphibious plane and, only 58 were made. It could be recognized by the short wing on top of the twin engines. The Hughes Hercules-sometimes called Spruce Goose, top speed of 235 mph. Like the name says it was a huge plane. It’s total length was 219 feet with a 320 foot wingspan. It was prototype intended to be a transatlantic flight transport but was not completed in time for the war. The Boeing xPBB Sea Ranger had a top speed of 215 mph and was retired in 1947. It weighed 41,620 pounds. Another flying boat was the Consolidated PBY Catalina with a top speed of 196 mph. It was introduced in 1936 and retired in 1957. It was an American flying boat. It played a big part in the Japanese invasion of Alaska. It would bomb the islands the Japanese took

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